I made a big fancy lately with these boots Balenciaga.
For months I wanted them but the initial price was holding me fairly. Some sales of my dressing-empty later and especially a great deal on Ebay, they were mine.
I made a big fancy lately with these boots Balenciaga.
For months I wanted them but the initial price was holding me fairly. Some sales of my dressing-empty later and especially a great deal on Ebay, they were mine.
I love these two-tone looks simple and chic at the same time.
The sweater is crazy I’d recommend a thousand times, it’s come from
Well, there is, I promised you a surprise, welcome to my new home, home!
Team Zwicky worked hard for several weeks to offer you a new visual, a version that still looks like me.
Mais que foutait Dieu, avant la création? Samuel Beckett This damn weather ! I’m once again obligated to talk about the rain on my blog, to justify my outfit. Saturday, it’s 86°F and raining in Paris, the weather I hate the most, I always have so much trouble getting dressed. I’m wearing a little draped dress I found at H&M+. For…
Qui pisse au vent, mouille son caban. Alessandro Baricco Like a ship’s boy in the city, I distorted the codes of the navy. The striped jersey becomes a cold dress, the pompon becomes a necklace. No jacket, but a long trench-coat, and the loafers become high heels. Will you find the two portholes ? Okay, I’m gonna stop now… As you…
Chaque coup de colère est un coup de vieux, chaque sourire est un coup de jeune Proverbe chinois I was right in the middle of sorting out my dressing room when I realized I had a nice pile of jeans that I never wear because they’re all way too long. Either they’re waiting to be shortened properly by a professional or they’re simply doomed to be completely forgotten on the last shelf…
L’homme est un animal sociable qui déteste ses semblables. Eugène Delacroix You already know that about me : I love animals. Whether they’re displayed in my apartment as a cabinet of wonders or in the form of jewelry, I keep a nice collection. So when I ran into this Anna Scholtz dress last summer, I instantly fell for this very special…
Je hais la prudence, elle ne vous amène à rien. Jacques Brel A comme Automne Il y a des basculements qui font plaisir comme celui des premiers jours où l’on étrenne ses nouveautés. Et ce fut le cas pour cette nouvelle tenue aux couleurs automnales puisque j’ai pu sortir mon petit bébé milanais! Imaginez j’ai attendu 2 longs mois avant…
Vous ne pouvez choisir ni comment mourir, ni quand. Mais vous pouvez décider de comment vous allez vivre. Maintenant. Joan Baez L’été n’est pas encore parti alors je profite pour sortir mes dernières pièces estivales et vous les présenter ici. Ce petit pantalon à fleurs en fait partie et j’adore son imprimé sur fond noir. Je l’ai naturellement associé à…
Certes, un rêve de beignet, c’est un rêve, pas un beignet. Mais un rêve de voyage, c’est déjà un voyage. Marek Halter Au départ j’ai enroulé mes cheveux de cette manière pour soulager mon front de la chaleur qui régnait ce jour là. Puis j’ai posté une photo sur Instagram en plein délire (pardon le soleil a trop frappé sur…