Oh, I was very excited to bring this new cape, because I am absolutely in love with his subject.
A jacquard alpaca and angora, which gives it a herringbone appearance, shaved and long hair. Finally you will understand better picture I think.
Oh, I was very excited to bring this new cape, because I am absolutely in love with his subject.
A jacquard alpaca and angora, which gives it a herringbone appearance, shaved and long hair. Finally you will understand better picture I think.
Autumn is winter’s spring. Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec Last week-end in Burgundy before the frost and snow take over this lovely region. I was able to enjoy the colors of the fall, each year I’m extatic before this great gift of Nature. For this OOTD I chose wine red from head to tights for a sophisticated look. A cream colored fake…
Joy is not inside things, it’s inside us. Richard Wagner It’s the first time I’m trying to wear a hat with my new hairstyle and I’m impressed, it’s really pretty ! It looks like I’m admiring my new hair a lot but I mean it, I never would have guessed that short hair could be so adjustable and adaptable to a…
Warning everybody, new addiction in sight ! Yes, fuchsia pink is my new red.
Pink and navy, pink and black, pink and red (oh la la), pink and grey… Actually, I think this particular pink goes with absolutely everything. So there’s a pretty good chance you will eat a lot of pink on this blog during the next few weeks.
Se donner du mal pour les petites choses, c’est parvenir aux grandes, avec le temps. Samuel Beckett Today, a two-colored OOTD, black and white as I like it these days but more elaborate thanks to the pattern. The dress comes from Evans’ Collection collection, my favorite with the Live Unlimited collection, younger and more original. I really like the form…
Let’s get back to good habits here on the blog, please forgive my absence these last days, now that my “7th baby” is launched I’m going to be able to post more regularly I promised.
Let’s start this week with a red dress… The colour nobody misses, very bright almost neon which I chose to accessorize with a big chain necklace. A junk necklace, found on Asos, which became my it accessory. It makes any outfit trendy.
This dress comes from COS and was bought during the sales. It’s longer at the back and the fabric is very soft which makes it the perfect little dress for this weather. I think I’ll be able to wear it this winter with navy blue tights.
Les soirs d’été sont parfaits pour m’adonner à un des sport favori, une passieggiata bien gourmande, de quoi nous mettre à l’eau à la bouche pour la rentrée et penser à notre futurs looks d’automnes.
Les italiens la pratique une gelato à la main, je vous conseille de faire de même pour mieux baver sur vos cornets de glace.
Je vous laisse découvrir mon lèche-vitrine du mois de juillet, y puiser de l’inspiration, le plaisir des yeux!
Pour visualiser mes précédentes Passeggiate c’est par ☞ ici .
The summer evenings are my favorite because it gives me the chance to enjoy one of my fav’ hobbies: a yummy and delicious passieggiata! Something fun and cool and which allows us to see the future trends for the upcoming fall and winter! It can also give us ideas for future outfits!
The Italians enjoy their passieggiata with a gelato (ice-scream), I suggest you do the same but be careful to not drop yours on the floor!
I shall let you discover this July passieggiata. You may find inspiration in it, or to simply please the eyes!
To see my previous passieggiata please go ☞ there.
Saint Laurent
Grappin à Louboutin
Sonia Rykiel
Comme la neige serait monotone si Dieu n’avait créé les Corbeaux. Jules Renard Je me suis d’abord lâchée en douceur sur ce joli pantalon imprimé Ikat de chez New Look Inspire, puis sur ma lancée je lui ai associé un débardeur à franges. Et comme souvent quand on se lance dans la douce audace on finit par prendre confiance, hop…
Les vitrines commencent à bien se remplir des nouveautés pour la belle saison et l’occasion pour moi de vous montrer ma dernière “Passeggiata” réalisée samedi dernier (juste avant que je m’envole avec mes ballons*). J’ai flashé sur plusieurs associations de couleurs, les pastels c’est si beau en photo, à porter j’avoue que je n’en sais encore rien, ça sera une…
Aussi longtemps que les lions n’auront pas leur historien, les récits de chasse tourneront toujours à la gloire du chasseur. proverbe africain Je pense que j’ai un lecteur assidu qui s’appelle Monsieur Météo et à la lecture de mon dernier billet il s’est dit “ah ah, attends pour voir le froid que je te réserve”. Moi qui criait haut et…