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I think that’s the dress I have the most in my closet. I am absolutely a fan of this cut.
Remember, you first discovered the striped Sinople and in a very pretty floral print near the Pont Neuf. I also have black and plum now.
I brought a lot during my pregnancy, this is a section that accompanies all body types. She’ll create a size if you do not have one really, and elongate your figure through the slot on the front and the tissue that tapers. In short it is the dress that goes to all women.
Today I tested the combination plum and cream, it works just as well with the burgundy finally. This coat is a true master key.
The small bag with metal pellets give a touch of light and originality to the outfit. It was enough that day.
I leave you for this weekend and you want to follow me on Snapchat (reminder you will find me in my name: stephaniezwicky) I am a new site visit my house.
Hiiiii I prances!
Excellent weeek-end to you my very low price (s) readers (-eurs). I often forget men, pardon because there is just one.
When I saw this dress I immediately fell for its originality.
This is a room like these paintings that are actually sewing before moving to the first prototype: a canvas.
Tentons de reprendre le cours habituel de ce blog. Encore un énorme MERCI pour tous vos messages suite à l’annonce de lundi, j’en suis encore toute émue et ça a tambouriné fort en moi. Donc place aux choses plus légères et futiles, ma revue de shoesing 9e édition. Depuis avril dernier je n’avais plus partagé mes dernières adoptions, de nouvelles…
Une première volée de photos des demoiselles du printemps il y a quelques semaines ICI et voilà la suite de mes adoptions. L’occasion pour moi de faire prendre l’air à tout le monde au parc. Autant dire que certaines personnes me regardaient de travers à photographier ainsi mes souliers.
Allez c’est parti!!
Here is the second batch of pics of my Spring Demoiselles, after the first post that you can find here. A good occasion to bring all these lovely “ladies” outside to breath in the fresh air, let’s just say that people were giving me strange looks when I was shooting pics of my shoes…
Let’s roll!!
Les fameuses Zizi de chez Repetto en cuir vernis, déjà vues portées sur les plages de Deauville.
The famous Zizi from Repetto, I wore them on Deauville’s beach, here
Pour accompagner les tenues printanières et plus légères, voici mes dernières acquisitions. Ma passion pour les chaussures me pousse à vous faire découvrir régulièrement les dernières adoptées, quelques volets visibles déjà ici et là. To go along the newer and lighter spring outfits, here is my latest shoes shopping! My passion for shoes has to be shared with you everytime…